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Diaton Tonometro

Title: Evaluating the Efficacy of Diaton Tonometer in Glaucoma Diagnostics: Overcoming the Challenges of Corneal Variability

By diaton, diaton tonometer, glaucoma, glaucoma screening, instraocular pressure, News, tonometer, tonometria, Tonómetro, tonometry
Abstract: Glaucoma, a leading cause of irreversible blindness worldwide, affects approximately 80 million people globally. Accurate intraocular pressure (IOP) measurement is crucial for glaucoma diagnosis and management. Traditional corneal tonometers…
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Influence of Corneal Thickness on Tonometrical Values of Intraocular Pressure, using the Goldmann tonometer and transpalpebral Diaton tonometer

By best tonometer, diaton, diaton tonometer, glaucoma, glaucoma screening, instraocular pressure, News, Oftalmología, ophthalmology, optometry, scleral lens, scleral lens tonometer, scleral lenses, tonometer, tonometria, tonometro, Tonómetro
Federal University of São Paulo – Paulista School of Medicine Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences , Felipe Taveira Daher, MD, Augusto Paranhos Junior,MD, PhD Introduction: The corneal thickness is…
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One Tonometer – Many Applications. Diaton Home of Through Eyelid and Sclera Tonometry

By best tonometer, diaton tonometer, glaucoma, glaucoma screening, instraocular pressure, News, scleral lens, scleral lens tonometer, tonometer, tonometer diaton, tonometer price, tonometria, Tonómetro, tonometro, tonometry
Diaton is the one tonometer that is capable to measure Intraocular Pressure (IOP) in the most innovative way: Through the Eyelid and via Sclera, without touching the eyeball direct and…
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