Diaton Through the Eyelid Tonometer remains the least invasive=SAFE tonometry, a glaucoma eye pressure measuring and detection technology, enabling eye care and non-eye care professionals to measure accurate intraocular pressure (IOP) without any contact with the cornea or the mucous membrane.
Sam McCommon from CAKE Magazine covered the unique abilities of Diaton transpalpebral scleral tonometer in their Feature Story:
Diaton Tonometer: The Future of Contactless IOP Measurement
The article has noted “Researchers believe that the coronavirus can enter the body through the eyes — a concept that understandably worries patients and doctors alike. And since the virus seems to be able to survive on surfaces for quite a while, any medical device that touches the eyes can be risky. What to do?
The Diaton Tonometer
Diaton (DevelopAll Inc., Staten Island, New York, U.S.) has created a unique solution to this dilemma: a tonometer that can measure IOP without touching the cornea or mucus membrane. Pretty nifty, right?
In contrast to standard ophthalmic tonometers, the Diaton Tonometer measures IOP over the eyelid. The eyelid protects the eye from contact. Preventing direct contact with the eye reduces the risk of spreading not only the coronavirus, but also any other pathogen as well.

What’s more, the Diaton Tonometer does not use a traditional air puff.
An air puff can potentially spread aerosolized virus droplets in tears, contaminating air in the room — a legitimate concern for everyone involved. A combination of no puff and no contact ensures the lowest possible risk of viral transmission.
Peace of Mind for Doctor and Patient
Using the Diaton Tonometer can give doctors a clear conscience that they’ll be reducing the risk of infection. And doctors know that spreading infections isn’t just a lousy thing to do — it can potentially lead to devastating lawsuits.
Patients will likely be reassured by the non-contact procedure — making it easier to get them to actually come in for appointments. In this strange time in which people are easily spooked, they’ll appreciate the peace of mind that comes with this safe procedure.
Doctors will need every advantage they can muster in this uncertain near future. Businesses of all varieties will suffer, and doctors who make their patients feel safe will likely have more patients — making innovations like the Diaton Tonometer a win for everyone. “
To learn more about Diaton Tonometer visit www.TonometerDiaton.com