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The advantages of Diaton Transpalpebral Tonometer in a nutshell

By March 5, 2018No Comments
The advantages of Diaton Transpalpebral Tonometer in a nutshell
Overall, Diaton Transpalpebral Tonometer is now one of the most recommended and clinically tested non-contact tonometers in the market today because of its many advantages in examining the intraocular pressure, which include:
  • Non-contact to the corneal during measurement of intraocular pressure
  • Elimination of pain during eye examination without the need for local anesthetics
  • Elimination of the influences of the individual eyelids’ peculiarities during tonometry readings
  • Prevention in the increase of eye muscles’ tone (a normal response to pain resulting from a cornea-irritating eye procedure) that may alter the results of an intraocular pressure reading
  • Elimination of the need for thorough sterilization before the procedure
  • Prevention of possible bacterial or viral infection that may arise from direct contact with the cornea during a traditional tonometry
  • Ability to measure the intraocular pressure despite possible presence of other eye conditions, such as conjunctivitis, corneal edema, and corneal erosions
  • Utilization of the handy, easy-to-use, hand-held Diaton Transpalpebral Tonometer anytime, anywhere without the need of any other preparation before the eye examination
  • More accurate measure value that is closer to the real intraocular pressure of patients with keratoconus compared to the values extracted using the Goldmann tonometer
  • Ability to measure intraocular pressure in patients with keratoprostheses (KPro)
  • Ability to measure IOP in patients wearing scleral lenses
Find out more at http://www.TonometerDiaton.com
diaton tonometer translapenral tonometry
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