Diaton Tonometer management would like to bring up an Important topic to your attention: You may have been made aware of the recent Academy of Ophthalmology article – Alert: Important coronavirus updates for ophthalmologists https://www.aao.org/headline/alert-important-coronavirus-context Ancedotal reports suggest possible coronavirus aerosol transmission through the conjunctiva. Patients presenting conjunctivitis with coronavirus symptoms could possibly be infected.

IMPORTANT DIATON SCLERAL TONOMETRY FEATURE – Infection control: Transpalpebral scleral tonometer does not touch the cornea (mucous membrane). The tonometer’s metal base is wiped off with an isopropyl alcohol swab in between use. No plastic tips or covers needed. Diaton meets and exceeds Joint Commission Guideline for Disinfection and Sterilization. Ref – https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/unique-tonometer-diaton-helps-to-meet-and-exceed-joint-commission-guideline-for-disinfection-and-sterilization-300969478.html

This is a critical Diaton feature to prevent infection acquisition and spread in IOP measuring. Growing number of hospital emergency rooms and emergency departments are transitioning to Diaton for this sole purpose. Diaton has passed Infection Control reviews at the largest hospital groups around the nation.
Tonometry in Optometry & Ophthalmology Practices
Many Optometrists and Ophthalmologists now find a solution in FDA cleared and clinically proven tonometry by using Diaton Tonometer to address current infection concerns, as there is zero contact with cornea / mucous membrane.

Patient Concerns:
Our company has been advised by many eye care practitioners that their patients nowadays are very aware of Any contact & infection association and that their patients would appreciate the through the eyelid, non-contact tonometry.
Roman Iospa, CEO of Diaton stated, – “My team and I are looking forward to putting the virus issue behind us and at the same time assist the community to prevent any further spread.”
To learn more about Diaton tonometer and it’s unique applications and infection control capabilities visit TonometerDiaton.com or Dial: 1-877-342-8667
About DevelopAll Inc: (Home of Diaton Tonometer)
DevelopAll, is committed to the global fight against blindness caused by glaucoma. A unique team of engineers, medical, legal and business experts makes DevelopAll Inc. uniquely placed to provide DIATON diagnostic tonometer, which measures intraocular pressure (IOP) through the eyelid and sclera, making it possible to diagnose glaucoma on the early stage and appoint necessary treatment and medicines and provide a much more favorable outcome for the patient. More about DIATON Tonometer Glaucoma IOP Eye Test at http://www.TonometerDiaton.com
Contact: Alina Lagoviyer Media / Public Relations 1-877-342-8667 ext. 701
DevelopAll Inc., 272 Hull Ave, Staten Island, NY 19306
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